Need to be able to edit all visit notes, including assessment and intervention.

When I have several students waiting at my door, I don't always have time to put in all the assessment and intervention notes that I need to. I want to get their name, time and date, and reason for visit for each student who is waiting so that I can then go back later, after I have seen all those students who arrived at the same time, and fill in the details. But the system does not allow for me to go back in and edit assessment and intervention notes which I really need to be able to do.

  • Kris Sayler
  • Jun 1 2016
  • Attach files
  • Matthew Poirier commented
    15 Sep, 2020 07:16pm

    This seems obvious to me. We just switched to Blackbaud and after the second day of school, our nurses are already asking for this feature! This should be easy to implement.

  • Kris Sayler commented
    30 Sep, 2016 12:42pm

    Yesterday I was in the middle of a very long visit assessment note and again 6 students came during the time I was trying to complete that note. I had to write them all down. In EE, I was able to start several visits at once and then finish them later.

  • Kris Sayler commented
    28 Sep, 2016 12:43pm

    I continue to struggle with this issue. I have 6-10 students come in at once and I am still in the middle of a visit note for another student that I can't finish because someone is at the door bleeding. If I exit out of that note, there is no way to go back and edit it. ALL I NEED IS TO BE ABLE TO CLOSE THAT NOTE AND GO BACK AND EDIT IT LATER. This way, I can at least put in the names and times of the students who are waiting. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN!! I would be so grateful.