Medical Contact Cards: add critical missing fields

The Medical Contact Cards are a great solution to part of the printed backup need.

But some critical Medical fields are missing -

- Allergy: Signs of a reaction field, What if there is a minor reaction? field, What if there is a major reaction? field

- Medication: Dosage. For example, [what] [x] time(s) a day [as needed...]

- Permission to Treat: the opposite of missing: this is displayed, but can be misleading because it defaults to unchecked, which displays as No.
It could use an option to say do not display in Medical Contact Cards. We have another, legal, signed form for our permission to treat. We will be forced to manage this checkbox, in addition to managing our regular form.

The above 3 items can be life critical!


- Student Home address(s). Used to inform which hospital to take to.

- Athletic Clearances. We don't use these, so not sure if they'd show or not. I would guess is useful on Medical Contact Card if they are used.

I'm not sure I caught everything, so a thorough audit by Blackbaud would be good.

Related Ideas: I will be posting about
- central need to print these Cards, not just via Rosters. 95% of Student info printing and reporting is done by office managers, nurses, etc., not teachers nor coaches.
- Display these Cards to print by grade (multi-select), not just group rosters. Usually printed by Lower and Middle School, then by Upper School (separate campuses.). Or by single grade, for a grade-level field trip. Etc.

  • Vincent Jurgens
  • Jun 6 2016
  • Attach files
  • Andrew Teets commented
    8 Sep, 2023 06:07pm

    We are wanting this as well - having the # of times/day for medication is critical to have on the Medical Card.

    - Medication: Dosage. For example, [what] [x] time(s) a day [as needed...]

    Thank you!

  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    28 Jan, 2022 03:44pm

    9 months later this has not gotten any traction. We also find that we need the student's homeroom teacher on the card. Will this ever be implemented? The request has been out in the ideas for 6 YEARS

  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    8 Apr, 2021 07:17pm

    I am guessing since this has been open for 5 years now, and this is a huge issue in our organization, that other organizations are managing this another way? What is everyone using as a work around?

  • Katheryn Boobar commented
    21 Jan, 2021 02:56pm

    Yes, I find this form lacking critical information and doctor's offices/hospitals have raised complaints:

    1. Home address is missing

    2. Insurance company address and phone number are missing - this important for offices to complete the billing/file a claim

    3. Text of a consent to treat - not sure how this could work, maybe an optional text section.

  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    14 Aug, 2020 06:08pm

    Yes yes yes! We need to see the grade level of the student for elementary and the home address of the student/parents. Please add the ability to adjust the content and the layout of the medical contact card. Offer condensed and complete versions.

  • Julie Farr commented
    1 Jul, 2019 11:03pm

    Dosage is not printed on the Medical Card or Lists if the frequency is "as needed". It is printed for "every day" or "specific days". The dosage needs to print for as needed as well. Please correct this critical ommision

  • Julie Farr commented
    16 May, 2019 01:40pm

    If we are going to be able to use these as a replacement for paper copies, ALL of the data MUST be included in the printed form!

  • Dawn Rossi commented
    23 Dec, 2018 02:34pm

    Please also include the student's legal name rather than his/her nickname.

  • Guest commented
    22 Aug, 2017 02:44pm

    +1 for grade level and custom fields. For elementary schools, we don't really organize kids by grad year but by grade level and class/homeroom name (which we also put in a custom field)

  • Kim Hughes commented
    22 Jun, 2017 09:27pm

    Also, grade instead of just graduation year.

    Add option to add custom fields where we want to put a homeroom teacher designation