Print student schedules on one page

We need to be able to give students their schedule on one page

  • Ralph Huygens
  • Jun 9 2016
  • Attach files
  • Helene Bieder commented
    29 Nov, 2017 04:51pm

    I would love to see the schedule grid for Middle School students on one page. We keep them in a book for very quick access sometimes several parents are here at once, and we can check schedules immediately. 

  • Guest commented
    16 Aug, 2016 12:25pm

    We still print ours and I spend hours in excel modifying the export along with page set ups to print these for students. We need them for day one as well as for our emergency procedures.  

  • Daniel Millbank commented
    30 Jul, 2016 02:38am

    Why do they need a printed copy when they can log in to onCampus to see their schedule? In addition they have the My Day feature.