We want the ability to allow a credited course to be removed from showing on a transcript but show on a Report Card

Currently our Phys. Ed Courses are credited but they are causing the transcript to run to long and this is really only information for us that colleges don't want or need to see. We want to be able to select which classes show on the Transcript so we can selectively remove a class that is for internal calculation only but still allow for it to show on the students report card. 

  • Guest
  • Jul 21 2016
  • Implemented
  • Jul 24, 2019

    Admin response

    This has been implemented with the 7/24/19 release for Student Information System in the new Transcript Builder.

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    18 Jan, 2018 05:01pm

    We need this as well for this exact reason.