This would be useful because there is currently a placeholder for Infraction, but there is not one for Consequence. We would like Parents to be able to see the Consequence as well as the Infraction.
Hi all!
As of 10/31/23, Consequence is now available as a placeholder in Infraction emails. This placeholder will place the name of the consequence (comma separated if there are multiple for the infraction) in the notification.
We also added the ability for the Consequence notification to be sent to parents and not just students to also better equip you to keep parents in the loop.
Thank you!
Jacqueline Koca
SIS Product Manager
Our issue is that the consequence notification happens after the infraction result. We need to notify the student and advisor, and potentially parents, that the infraction has been recorded and that X will be the consequence (before the consequence period begins).
The consequence notification only goes to students; not to parents. For our students under 13 they do not have working email addresses (COPPA), so student email reminders are useless. But also, for our students who are over 13 but don't drive, the parents need to know because their child will need to be picked up later on the assigned consequence day.
The other thing I will say about the consequence notification is that it is really set up more as a reminder notification. It makes far more sense to be able to merge in the consequence info into the infraction email notification so the parent has all the information on an incident in one email.
Parents are not notified via email of a consequence. They can only be notified via email of an infraction and that notification doesn't have the consequence placeholders available to include in the email. Under Edit Consequence, adding the ability to notify parents with a customized email and the associated placeholders would be helpful.
At the time of my comment, this idea is marked for "Under Consideration."
Especially with discipline, having a customized email from our school sent to the parents is important in keeping them informed and included in our partnership with them. Current set-up for our school dictates two separate emails (one for the infraction and one for the consequence), thus redundancy and unnecessary emphasis. A fix for this would be to include, under Conduct / Conduct Set Up / Consequences / Edit Consequence (for each consequence), a check-box option for the email notification to also be sent to the parent. This inclusion would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Location would be great too. There is a place to put in location but it does not show on the email.
This is very important for our school. We would love to see this idea implemented as soon as possible.
Can we bump this again? It's been a while since this has been posted and is absolutely necessary.
Can you also please use the Role filters for school level to determine WHO to send emails to. While we have our Conduct Mangers filtered by school division, they both get all emails which is not correct.
Here is another request on this! For Infraction notification (via Email) it is purely ROLE BASED. This is good but because we have made all of our Mentors "Advisers" the Advisory role notifies all of them of an infraction. If we could have a second option, "OR THESE USERS" that would hand select a group of users to be notified.
After trying to figure out your conduct module (took me over a month) I noticed the parent/student does not have any idea when the student serves the detention. You must implement this in order for the the parent/student to see when to serve. I aggree..... Very confusing!!
This is very important to our school. Currently, I have added a line to the email notification of each infraction indicating information about serving the detention. If I assign a different consequence, I don't send the parent an email. Very confusing!
My disciplinarian actually asked this exact question. Would love to see this feature.
I agree! I just discovered that it doesn't email the consequence too. This is terrible. Now our Assistant Director has to continue to type the consequence into the description box even though it's already set as automatically tied.