The ability to print a schedule in grid format with the cycle days across the top

Our school is run on cycle days - Day 1 to 8 and it would be nice to have a grid schedule that has the cycle days across the top. Monday to Friday means nothing to us and is quite useless to us. I can't be the only school that needs this report.

  • Denise Gariepy
  • Aug 22 2016
  • Attach files
  • Cristina Conciatori commented
    28 Jul, 2021 04:57pm

    5 years, this has been here and not done yet....need!!!

  • Cristina Conciatori commented
    1 Oct, 2018 07:04pm

    This is so important.  It was something the was available in education edge and I feel like we have taken a step back by this feature not being in On.

  • Mindy Stone commented
    15 Jun, 2017 12:30am

    I can not believe this can't be done. How are things that were so basic in EE now gone in onRecord. It's crazy. We were told this was a more robust system. 

  • Gregg Miller commented
    5 Sep, 2016 10:08pm

    I made an ok workaround.  Create a Google Spreadsheet and copy and paste the excel exported "Day Name Grid" report data in there.  Format the 2nd sheet to emulate your schedule, with day names, etc.  Make it available as "view only" and give kids access.  They can do the export, copy and paste into a copy of the schedule maker document and the 2nd sheet will be printable for them.  Here's our US sample.  

    US schedule template

  • Guest commented
    1 Sep, 2016 02:15pm

    Additionally, the option to display block names in the left column would be more helpful than just the times.

  • Jamie Hardy commented
    22 Aug, 2016 09:41pm

    I would like the ability to edit the Word Document to print Landscape and Edit Margins so I can get this to all fit on one Page by editing the Day Names on the Word Document directly.