Print multiple student schedules

We want to be able to choose multiple students (even across grade levels) and print their schedules out in one print job.  We don't want to have to either print the entire grade out or print the students out one at a time.

  • Guest
  • Aug 29 2016
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  • susan vaughn commented
    July 21, 2022 12:52

    Regarding printing schedules, we need to be able to choose students from the drop-down menu instead of the horrible option of one at a time or in bulk.

  • Kirsten Mayers commented
    August 13, 2019 13:19

    Would love to be able to print out schedules for all students with a learning profile or a selected group of students. 

  • Lorrin Saliba commented
    May 09, 2019 14:08

    Need this today!  To print by "selected" multiple students AND all the schedules for students in a group, like and advisory group.  The advisors need to have printed schedules of their advisees to be able to plan their sessions.  Printing one by one for a group of 81 advisees is not an option.  

  • Marisa Phirangee commented
    October 02, 2017 12:42

    this would be a great feature. EE used to have a feature like this.

  • Carol Ann Michaelson commented
    December 02, 2016 16:58