Medical Contact Card

Currently, when you print the Medical Contact Card as a coach or teacher, and the parent has chosen to hide allergies and conditions from these roles, under Allergies and Conditions it reads "No known allergies" where in fact there are allergies and/or conditions they are just not disclosed to these roles. This could lead to a serious problem in the case of an emergency. We would need that field to read something like "undisclosed allergies" and "undisclosed conditions" when this scenario occurs.

  • Ana Meneses
  • Sep 9 2016
  • Attach files
  • Julie Farr commented
    18 Apr, 2017 05:51pm

    This is really CRITICAL, especially on a field trip. If a teacher thinks there are no allergies! Perhaps it could say "Contact Nurse for Allergies/Conditions" since the nurse has access