Grade books should be locked at the end of a marking period

There needs to be a way to lock teacher access from grade books once a marking period has closed.

  • Patrick Mulvehill
  • Oct 27 2016
  • Attach files
  • Ana Meneses commented
    18 Jun, 2021 04:41pm

    Please merge this idea and K12OR-I-769. They are both asking for the same thing.

  • Ana Meneses commented
    18 Jun, 2021 04:37pm

    This idea was originally suggested in 2016 and has not had any feedback on it. We have had teachers go back and change a grade book grade so that then it doesn't match what was reported on a report card. There should be an open date and a closed date for editing purposes.

  • Shae Lowery commented
    5 Mar, 2018 03:55pm

    Yes!  At the very least, give a warning that the teacher is about to change a grade in a prior term.

  • Shawna Khan commented
    13 Sep, 2017 05:47pm

    The administration should have the ability to set the specific date upon which the grade book's are locked.  We would do it after the year is complete, but other schools might prefer after each term.