Add the progress tab and schedule tab to the student record in onRecord

Right now I have to go to student directories to see a student's current grades and schedule by day. It would be helpful to have it all in one place onRecord. It could go on the bar right next to attendance and enrollment for a one stop place. All of the tabs that are showing in the directory should also show in the student record in onRecord.

  • Amy Calhoun
  • Nov 1 2016
  • Implemented
  • Apr 24, 2023

    Admin response

    This was implemented with the 360 view student profile that was released to all schools in April 2023.

  • Attach files
  • Jeanne Townsend commented
    18 Oct, 2022 06:24pm

    Excited (dismayed?) to be the 100th voter on this idea. Making the PROGRESS and SCHEDULE tabs available in Academics and Core just...makes...good...sense! Perhaps the Student 360 view will allow for this?

    Thank you BB folks for all of your hard work in making this system work hard for us!

  • Nancy Kierstead commented
    1 Mar, 2022 03:39pm

    I see this has a status of "Planned". When can we expect this?

  • Erin Hall commented
    14 Apr, 2021 08:17pm

    Yes, I need the Schedule Tab in People Finder. I would also like to be able to use People Finder for teachers!

  • Sara Morton commented
    8 Jan, 2020 07:28pm

    Yes!! Please!! 

  • Guest commented
    19 Oct, 2019 06:25pm

    Every year around progress report time, I check to see if this feature is being added. Please consider it the Academics/People Finder/Academic Profile is wonderful and only missing this Progress tab piece. As another comment below stated it is just logical to have all of the student information in one place. Please help reduce the number of clicks to access student information. Thank you.

  • Guest commented
    20 Sep, 2018 01:10pm

    As the recruiter at the school, I need to see if a student is academically strong enough to host a shadow.  Please add this function so I can view their grades.  If not, I have to impersonate the student to see them.  Thank you 

  • Guest commented
    16 Jul, 2018 09:30pm

    Please make this fix. It seems so logical to have all student information in one place. Having to direct faculty to one location for some information and another for other information doesn't seem like the best design.

  • Jonathan Tepper commented
    22 Nov, 2016 06:20pm


  • Justin Medved commented
    22 Nov, 2016 06:08pm

    Essential feature. Please add!

  • +8