List or Report of Attended Class Attendance Type

I would like for there to be a way to run a List or Report of Students who are marked as Attended Class. This is useful as we may need to see who was marked as here and should not have been.

  • Jamie Hardy
  • Nov 9 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    8 Apr, 2022 03:28pm

    We need to be able to print a full school roster with attendance for the current day only specifically in the event of an emergency. This means every students name and their status: present, tardy, absent, present virtually. A list of absent students is not enough! Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our needs.

  • Keith Meyers commented
    31 Jan, 2022 06:11pm

    I would highly encourage to have this List and/or Report of Students marked as Attended (or Present in one of the Attendance Categories) created because there are many important reasons we would need to track students' Present attendance. I'm still fairly new to Blackbaud, but in all the research and conversations I've had thus far, even the ticket I submitted that referred me to this article, it appears we only have the ability to run Lists and/Reports for students marked Tardy and Absent. I agree with another user post below that in an emergency situation to identify who is on-campus this could make things very chaotic and hinder the ability to serve the students and school, rather than help.

  • Jeanne Townsend commented
    22 Feb, 2021 05:21pm

    Just checking to see if there is any movement on this idea???

  • Jeanne Townsend commented
    19 Nov, 2020 01:29pm

    Agreed! We are using a new attendance type of "Attended Virtually", but we can't get that in a list along with our regular "Attended Class". It's something we really need.

  • Tasia Weatherly commented
    15 Sep, 2020 09:51pm

    This is something we desperately need in the era of remote learning, especially now that we have some students in person and some students remote. It's a matter of safety - for emergency purposes we must be able to run a report of students who were marked Attended Class as those are the students who are physically here. If there were an emergency it would be very chaotic to try and figure out who was here and who was at home.

  • Emily Heider-Belcher commented
    20 Jul, 2020 12:44pm

    Running a report of students who have attended class is an especially important feature during remote learning.