Record attendance by Period

While time is not a required field when recording student attendance, we have to enter it in order to assign the attendance to the correct class during the day (for example, early dismissal for athletics may only apply to the last 2 classes of the day).  Also, our schedule reverses itself, so Period 1 during one week becomes Period 9 the next.  Having the ability to record attendance by Period would tremendously improve our attendance processing workflow.

  • Guest
  • Nov 11 2016
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  • Guest commented
    24 Aug, 2018 05:08pm

    We have found this to be an issue as well and agree with all said here. I have found that in this instance that I can go back to People Finder, choose student, go to Attendance and then modify the time. It helps in marking the absence to a dismissal which in turn helps the student for attendance. HOWEVER, there has to be an easier way to take an over all attendance for a student on ONE SCREEN. This attendance system is extremely confusing, frustrating, and hard to navigate.

  • Jennifer Haendel commented
    24 Aug, 2018 04:59pm

    YES!   If a student checks out at 11:20 but class officially starts at 11:23 (due to class transition time), then the student misses the previous period as well, as opposed to the one he is really just missing.   Attendance by Period would be a great option. 

  • Lorrin Saliba commented
    24 Aug, 2018 04:31pm

    YES!! YESSSS! THis exact situation is happening to us this week.  We are 2 weeks into using attendance for our first year and getting into all the nooks and crannies of it.  If someone checks out 10 minutes before class is over, they are technically, according to the handbook, present for class.  If the attendance manager records an absence from 9:20 - 10:45, it overwrites the teachers attendance of Present to Absent for periods 2 and 3. But he was present for almost all of period 2.  

    We need a second method of recording attendance for 1 or more blocks or periods without forcing the attendance manager to look at the clock all day and make the call as to how much time is left in a period for that student.   Our bell schedule is different times for 3 days of the week.  Depending on which day it is, classes start and end on different times.

  • Guest commented
    8 Nov, 2017 02:20pm

    Agree.  The Period (or block) is critical to our attendance and not the specific time of day the Period takes place.