Attendance: Ability to set unique attendance types for divisions (Lower, Middle, Upper)

Our lower school's default attendance of Absent, Tardy is always Excused because they are with parents. Our high school default attendance of Absent, Tardy is always Unexcused until they provide documentation or the parent calls.  There should be the ability to attach the default attendance type to the grade level so reporting is accurate.

  • John Neiers
  • Nov 21 2016
  • Planned
  • Feb 12, 2024

    Admin response


    We are beginning some discovery around revamping the entire Attendance Setup experience and hope to include this functionality as part of that work.

    We would love your input on the overall revamp as well as how the school level controls should tie in. If you are interested, please follow this link to schedule some time with me and my team:

    If you have any questions or are unable to find a time in the scheduler that works for you, please feel free to reach out directly:

    Thank you!
    Jacqueline Koca
    SIS Product Manager

  • Attach files
  • Daniel commented
    19 Nov 15:22

    Would love to know if this is being looked at. I did mention it in a discovery meeting with BB.

  • Daniel commented
    February 27, 2023 15:46
  • Susan Ott commented
    May 14, 2018 14:05

    I have asked for this for years. Also need to be able to hide the "absent - no excuse" if not used. Have been told it's hard-wired in and can't be changed. At least let me put it at the bottom of the list so teachers don't accidentally choose it. I had an idea at one time in here about this but can no longer find it.

  • Guest commented
    October 02, 2017 15:37

    I meant yes!  Thank you

  • Guest commented
    October 02, 2017 15:37


  • Tena Highfill commented
    November 22, 2016 19:33

    Yes, please we all need something different. Tena