I would like Cancelled to show by class names on a students schedule when they are cancelled.

Currently if a teacher cancels a class via the attendance menu, it will show on student attendance as "Attended Class", I would like to to instead display Cancelled so it's more clear when viewing students records from Student Attendance.

  • Tim Walker
  • Nov 23 2016
  • Attach files
  • Jason Bourne commented
    14 Feb, 2024 07:45pm

    Can this be done by triggering a "Canceled" setting for all student attendance upon clicking the "Class canceled" check box? Saving the attendance dialog with the default "Attended Class" after one checks the "Class canceled" box is not intuitive, nor is it logical.

  • Barklie Eliot commented
    30 Oct, 2018 08:17pm

    This would prevent confusion about who is on campus and who is not.

  • Grayson Miller commented
    26 Oct, 2018 05:57pm

    I agree! This would be helpful for attendance managers at our school as well. We have students who have schedule conflicts and can be potentially enrolled in 2+ classes/clubs/labs the same period. Having it look like a student attended when the class was actually canceled creates more work on the attendance manager, who then has to click into the individual teacher's attendance list each time to see if the attendance was taken (and the student was present) or if the teacher canceled (and the student was missing in action that period).

  • Lisa Saunders commented
    6 Apr, 2018 02:03pm

    This would also be helpful to the student in the event that the teacher has not announced this in advance.