We need the ability to track students' Attendance of Record.

We are set up to take daily attendance, however there is no way to pull this data by student or in summary. We would like a student report that shows only the Attendance of Record. We would also like a daily report to show the Attendance of Record for all students on a certain date, and an analytical report that shows summarized data over time.

  • Rachel Dyer
  • Dec 14 2016
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    January 03, 2017 19:45

    Similar to a request I put in. The need to report on / analyze who DID attend is the missing piece.

  • Guest commented
    December 20, 2016 21:02

    Hello! In fact, there are three existing reports that return the attendance of record data. They are:

    • Absence Analysis - By Student and Section
    • Absence Analysis Summary
    • Daily Absence Analysis

    This information is included in Knowledgebase article Is there a report for Attendance Managers to view the Attendance of Record absences?

    We trust this will provide you with the information you are looking for.

    Thank you!