WYSIWYG view in grade comment entry box

Currently we are going through our third round of comment entries for the year and some of the old FAWeb comment entry nightmares are rearing their heads again. They are all due to "hidden formatting" when faculty cut and paste class notes and comments from a word processing document. For them to be able to see what is actually going to be printed on the report card as soon as they paste into the comment box would be tremendously helpful. Yes, I am fully aware of the Paste as Plain Text feature; however, this is not a great solution if the comment or class note contains bold, italics, or another form of acceptable formatting. These programs (onSystem, Education Edge, etc) are purchased to be support systems that make work easier and more efficient, surely there is a better way to handle comment entry so that things do not need to be retouched after they are pasted AND the report card comes out looking appropriately professional with the right font face, size, and proper number of returns between paragraphs.

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  • Jan 12 2017
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