Attendance More Functional for Boarding Environments

I understand how the Attendance is set to mark students absent from places they are supposed to be such as class or athletics, but we are having issues with this since we are a boarding school.  

We would like to be able to expand the attendance piece out to be more 24/hour based and be viewable by all faculty and administrators.  Or add this to the Find Me Now feature.  A student may be off campus for a Doctor's Appointment, College Visit, or the Health Care Center which causes them to miss Study Hall, Dorm Check-In, or a class meeting but since these are not built in class blocks there is not way for us to easily report student absences for non-academic events, which in a boarding environment is important.

For example I may be looking for a student and search for them in the Find Me Now, but if they have a free class periods it will not tell me they are in the Health Care Center.  I would like a way for it to show attendance anytime of day regardless of whether or not there is a class period.

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  • Feb 16 2017
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