Report improvement for "Courses - Number of Requests and Enrollments"

It would be most useful to modify the report "Courses - Number of Requests and Enrollments"  to include the most pertinent information on a single line.  This would make exporting to Excel a more productive endeavor.  For example, if the course name, course ID, number of requests, number approved, and number denied were all on the same row of the report, when it would be exported to Excel, each of those would be a column in a row that is identified by the class.  Manipulation of the data and extraction of the needed counts for school administration wold be so much easier than having to extract the data, manipulate into separate columns on a single row per class before providing the spreadsheet info to Division directors.

And it would be beneficial to have the title available for export as well since it is only by term.  The reports look the same from 1st semester to  2nd semester.  I add a row to identify which is which.

  • Peggy Lehman
  • Mar 2 2017
  • Attach files