Input letters such as M or X that do or do not reflect 0's in the grade book respectively

Some teachers would like to input an M into their grade book to denote missing assignments and have it calculate as a 0. Likewise, they would like to input an X to denote an exempt assignment and waive the grade altogether. 

  • Guest
  • Mar 9 2017
  • Implemented
  • Jan 11, 2018

    Admin response

    Hi There!

    Over the summer we did add shortcut keys and visual icons to make the gradebook a bit more user friendly. So now a Teacher can type in an M to mark an assignment as missing or X to mark them Exempt. The teacher would still need to input a 0 if they really want to give the student a 0 grade, but I'm thinking our updates satisfy this request. 

    Please reply if there is more we need to consider for this request to be fulfilled.

    Thanks for the feedback!

  • Attach files
  • Mark Luedtke commented
    December 14, 2020 18:39

    The assignment shows past due in the student portal even though they were marked Exempt