Year End Statement margins and text are not well thought out

The placement of the address on the year ends statements does not work for a standard envelope window, and these should be able to be adjusted.

  • Erica Bryant
  • Jun 9 2020
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
  • Donna DesRuisseaux commented
    February 16, 2022 19:03

    Family Tuition statements do no show school name and address in top left corner. Invoices only show Blackbaud in return address not school name. Only shows school logo

  • Joanne Galluccio commented
    March 08, 2021 20:43


    We have an upcoming project to review the format of all of our reports and will be sure to add the Family Tuition Statement to the list.


  • Donna DesRuisseaux commented
    March 08, 2021 16:17

    I have asked for all parent statements for over 5 years to be able to have the address fall in a window envelope, School address in the other window envelope. Student school code near the name for in school distribution

  • Donna DesRuisseaux commented
    July 06, 2020 13:06

    I've suggested statement changes almost 2 years ago. I'm not sure Blackbaud actually considers any of our recommendations.

    Statements are a useful tool as an admin for tax and FSA documents

  • Guest commented
    June 09, 2020 13:55

    All of the margins are bad and the statements could look much better with a few minor adjustments.