Having the option to remove information from activation emails

Schools that don't currently use credit cards have the "Credit Card Payments: Payments made with your debit and/or credit card are subject to credit card convenience fees." displayed in the account activation email. Being that they don't accept CCs, this is confusing to their families. The same goes for schools that do not currently use our follow up service. All this conflicting communication is confusing to families once they're enrolling. Admins are frustrated that families are being informed of something that they currently don't offer.

  • Caity Busalacchi
  • Feb 2 2021
  • Unlikely to implement
  • Attach files
  • Joanne Galluccio commented
    2 Feb, 2021 09:12pm


    We are legally obligated to include all information that is currently included in the email you mentioned. Although, a school may not utilized that service at this time, they do have the ability to turn it on at any point.
