Additional fields would be helpful within the BNGN, Item Edit menu, because we can currently require only two items - the Student Name and School Family ID. If we could have additional blank fields available, with a checkbox and a description field for each blank field, we could also require items such as Student Grade Level, Teacher/ Room Number, Sports type, guest names (example - Prom tickets), Meal type chosen (for sack lunch sign-up), etc.
This would be a great update to BNGN!
This update would help schools get the specific information they need when families make these purchases. It would also avoid confusion when purchases are made for students that have the same name.
The additional information would make a significant difference in budgeting and reporting.
The ability to add fields would be extremely helpful for our schools and school communities.
The ability to add grade and other fields if needed would be very helpful!
Desperately need student name separated in 2 fields, last name first name for sorting exported excel reports
It would also be helpful to be able to collect the payers telephone number.
Adding this feature would be helpful when sorting reports by grade level/homeroom