Text Message Opt Out List

Please provide a report of users who have opted out of text messages. It is very helpful to see who is and who is not receiving follow up text messages.

  • Bryan Lorenzo
  • May 6 2022
  • Under consideration
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Jamie Lyons commented
    22 Jul, 2022 08:43pm

    Hello! Thank you for submitting this idea and for the votes on it! We currently do have a way to report on families with follow up text messages turned off but it is within our custom reporting. To create a report for this, you can access the reports tab, go to create new custom report and select the communication option under the "Activity" category. From there there is an option to include families with "Follow up text - on/off". I understand a standard report would be easier to collect this information but we do have an option to get it while we look into creating a new report. Thanks again!