Enrollment by grade report - date enrolled correct for each student

There was a recent update to the enrollment updates report that fixed the enrollment date being the same for each student regardless of the date that particular student was enrolled. Schools would like to see the exact date each student was added to the account. This update would be helpful in the "enrollment by grade" report as well as any other enrollment reports.

  • Erin O'Keefe
  • Sep 7 2022
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Gabrielle Schneider commented
    11 Jan, 2023 08:50pm

    Wonderful news!!! Thanks for the update.

  • Admin
    Jamie Lyons commented
    11 Jan, 2023 07:45pm

    Thank you for the suggestion, this has been updated and was released this week. The enrollment date should now show the date the student was added rather than the date the whole family account was activated.

  • Gabrielle Schneider commented
    13 Oct, 2022 09:41pm

    Glad to see that this is under consideration.

  • Gabrielle Schneider commented
    12 Oct, 2022 06:30pm

    Please consider this reporting ability. It is necessary for reconciliation purposes.

    Thank youl