Two monthly reminders - Detailed Invoice & AutoDebit reminder

There should be a detailed invoice sent to all families with a balance due regardless if they mail in a payment, pay by CC or Debit card, or have an expired CC/DC on file. Then a follow up debit reminder with amount listed closer to due date.

Example - family paid full tuition in Sept, however CC expired then as well. then fees accrue through out the school year and on final April 20th invoice have a balance due. But they have no idea it's due since no email reminder was sent, since it was only an expired CC on file. How are they to know it's due?

  • Carrie Duesenberg
  • May 6 2024
  • Attach files
  • Staci Smith commented
    09 May 16:22

    Sorry, hit post comment instead of attach file. Here it is.

  • Staci Smith commented
    09 May 16:21

    Would the "Enable Auto-Debit Invoice" setting under School Settings/Communication Setting/Invoices option satisfy this? See attached image for example.