Special characters need to be supported in publishable fields and in data imports

Blackbaud needs to begin supporting and preserving special characters in publishable fields and in data imports. The Canvas learning management system now supports and preserves special characters in course data import files and has supported this in data fields across the system for years, so it should be possible for Blackbaud's system to do the same. Many people have names that use special characters. So that organizations using Blackbaud can be accurate and inclusive in maintaining records, it is essential to find a way to preserve special characters that are added to text fields and for data import CSVs to be able to process them accurately. Adding this functionality will improve record-keeping accuracy and will significantly reduce the amount of time administrators must take to change this information in the system and in any documents exported from the system.

  • Guest
  • Aug 16 2024
Employee Name Dr. Fulmore
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