Grade Book

I noticed that it is inconvenient to see the change of grades. Students don't usually remember the exact grades before updating, so they have to scroll the grades of all the works to check whether any of them has changed or just been added. It is time-consuming.

As a student, time matters. I hope myhilltop could be modified in this way:When the teacher updates the grade, a box of updating information pops up right in the progress page in the corresponding class(see the screenshot attached).

Hope it would be a great idea to be done!

  • Guest
  • Dec 2 2024
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    December 02, 2024 13:13

    I noticed that it is inconvenient to see the change of grades. Students don't usually remember the exact grades before updating, so they have to scroll the grades of all the works to check whether any of them has changed or just been added. It is time-consuming.

    As a student, time matters. I hope myhilltop could be modified in this way:When the teacher updates the grade, a box of updating information pops up right in the progress page in the corresponding class(see the screenshot attached).

    Hope it would be a great idea to be done!