This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12CO-I-3104 Add Conditional functionality to Forms Across All Modules.
Please consider adding conditional functionality to Forms.
For example, we would like to offer our aftercare program via a Form. The first Section would provide information and then offer a Yes/No question: Would you like to sign-up for aftercare?
If the answer is Yes, they would proceed to a section 2 where they would be asked to provide emergency contacts and more.
If the answer is No, their form would be complete.
This feature needs to be added to ALL forms - not just enrollment management forms. This should be flagged Partially Implemented.
We REALLY need this in School Forms for those to be at all a viable option.
THIS IS NOT IMPLEMENTED UNIVERSALLY - this has only been implemented on enrollment management forms
Yes, this is needed on School Forms not just enrollment forms
The merged idea is in reference to event registration and donation forms. Did that functionality get implemented there too?
Ditto what other's have said. I need this functionality for School Forms, not Inquiry and Application forms. Can we please reopen?
I believe this was referring to the forms under Content > School Forms
across all modules, not just the small piece of candidate custom questions.
So it has not be implemented. Can we please reopen this idea?
Make a Gift to McGehee
Amanda Hagood
Manager of Information Systems & Data Operations
This has been noted as implemented, but I gather it is a limited implementation that may only pertain to Enrollment Management. I do not see the ability to add conditional logic to School Forms under Academics at this point.
Can someone please clarify?
Thank you.
I believe this was referring to the forms under Content > School Forms across all modules. So it has not be implemented. Can we please reopen this idea?
Hi All, conditional logic has now been added to the custom candidate questions, and we've expanded the number of questions you can ask by 10 each.
To see the conditional logic, look in the block settings for the custom candidate questions block in either the inquiry or the application.
thank you,
Conditional form fields are an excellent tool for managing the flow of information-gathering within a form. As a school new to the Blackbaud website platform (launched Jan 28, 2019), we miss the conditional form field functionality which we enjoyed -- and utilized frequently -- on our Finalsite site.
I was stunned that this functionality still doesn't exist on applications and forms. One of many small changes that would make the user and admin experience much smoother! Had this on our previous online forms and makes me consider going back to our previous system
Peggy hit the nail on the head! We offer our summer programs sign up via forms. Being able to hide items with conflicting schedules makes life easier for everyone involved. For example say we offer 12 one week summer programs, 3 programs per week over a 4 week period. If a parent selects a summer program that runs in week one, the other options for week one will be hidden automatically so a second summer program with a conflicting schedule may not be selected by accident. A graceful solution to an issue that happens more than you might think.
I concur. NetCommunity has basic Boolean logic that allowed sections to be hidden or displayed based upon responses. It is a cluttered form to display all options and confusing to the parents completing the forms. No matter how clear the directions are, there will still be families to select everything in order to ensure their choices are know.
I would like to see this taken a step farther and add boolean logic (if/then statement for example) to the forms. Especially for things like payments before a certain date at one rate and at a different rate after said date.