We would like the ability run a roster report from the Class Roster Tab that is user defined.
Currently if you click Run Roster/Student Reports > Course Roster it produces a large report with the following info:
Student Name | Student Phone | Advisor | Parents | Parent Phone |
Parent Email |
We would like the ability to select what info is generated in report.
Many teachers would like a simple way to print a roster list with out all the extra data.
Please make a customizable report.
If this not feasible please add a simple roster report.
Thank you!
Daniel (below) is right - this should be merged with this idea: Simplified Roster Reports
Should be merged with this idea: Simplified Roster Reports
The main thing missing from the Course roster report - PARENT CELL PHONES. This is asked for every year, and although parent cell phones are now accessible from general student lists, it's still missing from the easiest list for teachers to access.
Agree with Katherine. This report is not very usable since it pulls home phone instead of mobile phone. Only 3% of our parents have home phones. It would be SO easy to change it to mobile. Or to just add mobile.
I would like to add to this idea. When a teacher is trying to pull this report from their roster, it looks incomplete since it only pulls the "home" phone. It would be so helpful to list the wireless and home phones, since many parents are rarely at their home phone (if they even have one)
We also need this for activity groups.
This still needs to be resolved. The students' email addresses are not even available in this report, which are occasionally needed when online accounts in other apps are being created.
This would be very useful to our school. We provide these lists to subs, and the existing report is too detailed
Thank you Tim, but teachers don't want to do all those steps to get a roster report that just lists students in the class.
Empty Assignment Grid reports works for the teacher, But if you need someone else like a person in the office, they have no access to that!
A solution to this problem!
HUGE Thank you to Tim Walker at Blackbaud K-12 Support
I second the request