List or Report to show Impersonations

I would like a list or report that would show us which users have impersonated other users, who was impersonated and when this occurred. 

  • Erica Bryant
  • Mar 14 2016
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Art Bryman commented
    20 Sep, 2023 06:50pm
  • Nicole Ramsey commented
    11 Mar, 2021 02:40pm

    This would be very helpful. It's a little alarming that there is no record of this kept.

  • Priscilla Lopez commented
    3 Sep, 2020 12:04am

    Security rule of accountability

  • Janet Griffin commented
    18 Oct, 2018 06:39pm

    I can't believe this has not been at the top of BB's mind.  This could have very bad consequences and needs to have some type of audit trail.

  • Corrine Duncan commented
    5 Feb, 2018 04:40pm

    I think this is a really important functionality when trying to track any changes or just for data integrity purposes.  The report would be valuable if a question arised on any issues.