This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OC-I-668 Give teachers a "student view" option.
I would like to be able to limit which roles users with impersonating rights can impersonate.
I would like to allow other roles to impersonate, without having to give them the high access Platform Manager or cloned roles.
I'd like a way for teachers to impersonate one of their students (and only their students), with only certain privileges. I have had several requests from teachers asking to see what their students or parents see.
I have also had many requests from Department Chairs, Deans for impersonate a user permission. It would be helpful but I don't want to give access to view everything
For those of you who will be at the UC in July, I think it'd be a great idea to bring this up as an "open space" topic during the "unconference" and get some of your great minds together to think through this as a group. This is definitely a big topic, and finding some common ground on the most important parts will help us move forward as we try to determine exactly what this feature would need to do. We need to boil this down to the most essential aspect(s), and then work our way up from there. Sound good?
Thanks for the update!
Thanks for all the feedback on this issue. We have definitely taken note. This would take a massive overhaul on how our current permissions work, so unfortunately it's not a quick fix. However, we definitely see the value. As soon as I have more info, I'll keep you posted.
Any progress on this issue?
There are several ideas that are similar to this one, the biggest of which is:
I think it's pretty obvious that more options for impersonate is a priority for a lot of people.
Impersonate with view only rights.