This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12CO-I-574 School Forms: Better management for past/expired forms.
We are now in our second year of using the school forms, and about to ask families to submit all of their forms again. When a parent accesses their forms area they see all of last year's completed forms, with new forms interspersed alphabetically (by form type) amongst the old ones. It is going to become ugly and difficult to read/manage this year, but impossible in future years when parents will have 3-4 years worth of forms in their list. It would be ideal to have a way to bulk-archive the old forms, or to de-activate them (in bulk) from parents files & forms area. Because our parents are required to fill out a set of (the same) forms each year, there is no need for them to be able to access previous years forms, though we still might need them.
I'm sorry to see that that has received no attention from Whipple Hill. My administration is not happy about the inability to do this. I am currently in the process of deleting the old forms, which is going to take MANY hours. Is a duplicate of this request.
We too are approaching our 2nd year of forms, and we plan to have many of last year's forms apply to this year+. There was no school year specified, so we don't' need signatures again if we have no language to change. Also see K12CO-I-574