Schedule, Group, Contact Card finding - make PeopleFinder, Find Me Now, Directory consistent and complete

Some of this has been nibbled at with other ideas and fixes, but there are basic interactions that should be standardized.

Summary -

- As a non-teaching staff or faculty, anywhere one finds another staff/faculty or student should provide links to full interactive Schedule web page, and Contact Card, perhaps through Academic Profile in the case of Student. Permissions allowing.

- Widgets with the same name, should act the same, or eventually lead to all the same information. OnRecord…Find Me Now acts differently than Faculty… Find Me Now. OnRecord People Finder acts differently than Core People Finder.

- Actually, recommend adding People Finder to Faculty view, mobile views, and removing all Find Me Nows.

- “Find Me Now”, if kept, can do that - find where someone is now - but should also link to full interactive Schedule web page and other info (Contact Card for staff, Academic Profile for Students.) It should never dead-end.


Specific interactions -

Faculty/SchedulePerformance/FindMeNow widget/[teacher, staff] - This currently dead-ends if no current obligation.
Sometimes it gets today’s full schedule (when between obligations?) Group names link to group pages, good. But no link to interactive Schedule web page. nor Contact Card.

Faculty/SchedulePerformance/FindMeNow widget/[student] - same as above.

Faculty/StudentDirectory/[student] - We have to open the Options dropdown, to click the misleading Contact Card link, which leads to all kinds of things in addition to Contact Card.
Including the valuable, only-here-folks, fully interactive Schedule web page, with link to Full Schedule month view. Group names throughout all link to Group pages, good.

Faculty/Faculty or Staff Directory/ - Same as above. Except, the link to Full Schedule is named differently, “View This Month.” And the group names on the latter full schedule month view page do not link to all Group pages.

OnRecord/Dashboard/FindMeNow widget/[teacher, staff] - Currently this gets today’s schedule, but has no link to interactive Schedule web page nor Contact Card. Dead-ends.

OnRecord/Dashboard/FindMeNow/[student] - Currently this gets today’s schedule, and links to Academic Profile. Academic Profile has Contact Card tab, and schedule Reports, but no interactive Schedule web page.

OnRecord/PeopleFinder/[student] - Currently this gets Enrollment, Contact Card, schedule Reports, and other things, but no interactive Schedule web page. It should also find other roles, like Faculty, that Core/PeopleFinder has. Add roles to dropdown.

Core/PeopleFinder/[student] Currently gets Contact Card, Enrollment and other info, but not Academic Profile nor interactive Schedule web page.

Core/PeopleFinder/[teacher, staff] Same as above, no link to full interactive Schedule web page. March 2017 update: a single day schedule view is now provided, with group page links. But still no full schedule as accessed through Directory..ContactCard...


Related ideas -
Allow direct access to a student's schedule through "Find Me Now"
Ability to See Teachers' Schedules through People Finder
Find Me Now for Teachers

(This idea belongs OnCampus and OnRecord products too, but could only add to one.)

  • Vincent Jurgens
  • Oct 31 2016
  • Attach files
  • Morgan Kunze commented
    23 Jun, 2023 12:02am

    Wish I could upvote this harder. This idea is now almost 7 years old and I'm astonished it doesn't have more traction. People Finder is one of the two most requested functions among faculty. Please give People Finder to teachers - or allow Find Me Now to generate a path to student profiles. Teachers should not have to use the directory or rosters to find their students - it's too unwieldy and slow.

  • Sylvie Andrews commented
    12 Jul, 2018 06:11pm

    And I agree about the Find Me Now-- it should take us to the student's schedule even if they don't have any commitments right now.

  • Sylvie Andrews commented
    12 Jul, 2018 06:11pm

    I was hoping that some of the July 9th Navigation updates would address this, but it doesn't look that way. I love the new navigation, and it's a step in the right direction that they put Scheduling under Academics, but when you use the Academics People Finder, it still only returns Students (you have to switch into Core to People-Find Teachers or Staff). And the Student result that you get only offers "Attendance", "Conduct", "Enrollment", "Rank", "Course Requests" and "Contact Card" -- NOT Schedule. What's super confusing to me about that, is that if you instead search a Student in the persona-based Directory, you have to click something called "Contact Card" to get to a view that has their Schedule tab! But the "Contact Card" tab that appears after using the Academics People Finder does not have Schedule on it!

    The People Finder in Core is a little better, in that it will hunt up both Students AND Faculty, but the results screen for each is different, with the Faculty result showing "Access" "Schedule" "Settings" "Files & Forms" and "Contact Card" tabs, and the Student result showing only "Access" "Enrollment" "Settings" "Files & Forms" and "Contact Card". Why not show a Student Schedule tab in those results, too?