Allow different Phone Types or provide several customizable Phone Type labels

In Education Edge, one could modify the Phone Type table to create meaningful and custom phone types.  For example, we created a Primary phone type that was used as the primary phone number to be utilized by faculty when contacting the parents and guardians.  We also utilized this field for Emergency Contacts which was helpful.  We asked that the number provided was the best number for contact during the school day.  While was usually a cell number, there were occasions when it was not, especially if a parent worked in an environment where a cell phone was not permitted during business hours.


We also created a Directory number that would display in our printed and online PDF version of the directory.  When a parent is a well known individual, he/she may have a special number that is to be used as the public face, different from contact from the school.  To remove all numbers from display may make it hard for the parent of a young child to stay in contact with peers for play dates.

  • Peggy Lehman
  • Apr 19 2017
  • Attach files
  • Lisa Tulchin commented
    November 15, 2024 20:10

    Yes, a business 2 or School Phone would be awesome. We have some parents who are our after school care teachers and have day jobs. We need their day job work phones for emergency purposes, but then it's listed in our staff phone directory, which isn't appropriate.

  • Kirstin McDonald commented
    August 24, 2023 16:35

    Similar ideas here:

  • Peter Cox commented
    November 15, 2021 20:05

    This would also allow us to remove international numbers from integrated Emergency Notification and Health Screening systems.