Ability to type in graduation year in Alumni Affiliation instead of choosing from drop-down menu

It would be helpful to not have the extra step of creating a Class Year when we enter an alumni whose graduation year doesn't already exist in our database. Currently, there is no option to bulk-create graduation years, they have to be created singularly in onMessage before we can assign them in the Alumni Affiliation. For example, we are working to clean up our non-current constituents, including making sure alumni that were imported a few years ago have the proper graduation year. We currently have over 2,000 alumni in our database, and the majority have the wrong graduation year. It would be far faster to be able to just type in the proper year, instead of adding all of the years-our school has been open for over 100 years. That's a lot of tedious time creating graduation years.

  • Jeannie Shay
  • Apr 30 2018
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