Master Schedule as Calendar

It would be extremely helpful to make the Master Schedule as a Calendar that can toggle on / off in the app AND export a webcal feed, regardless of if you are a teacher or student. If you don't have a commitment in a period (no class, for example), the period does not show up on your calendar which is challenging if you want to stay in tune with the academic day.

As a user with more access, I am able to export an iCal or vCal file of the Master Schedule -- but it is not as helpful as a webcal feed would be from a calendar, as we do make changes to the Master Schedule throughout the year. The one-time export would not reflect the changes as they occur unless the iCal or vCal file was exported again and imported again.

  • Bethany Stotler
  • Nov 26 2018
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Andrew Teets commented
      April 08, 2024 18:25

      Yes please!

      I have to export/import every year by month to get the schedule in a Google calendar. Would be SUPER HELPFUL if we could just go straight to the source!


    • Will Ashby commented
      April 04, 2024 19:56

      I had the same thought. I just voted for this feature. It seems that it shouldbe super easy to implement. The platform can already dynamically pull a single month through the download vcal/ics option. I didn't word my suggestion for this idea the same as yours. It is

    • Kyle McMullin commented
      August 30, 2022 23:00

      2018 and this isn't implemented yet ... that's disappointing. My work around is to export the iCal and then import it back into an Event so I can display it as a Calendar. Ridiculous.