Ability to create households and directory search usability enhancements

I was asked if the following suggestions would be possible in order to make using this system more user friendly. BTW, these suggestions came from a new staff who used to work at a different school that used Veracross. Not sure if you are familiar with that program. To get more details on either of these suggestions, you can contact Susan Yem at syem@almaheights.org 1 - Create households (vs. individual parents) 2 - the ability to input family information for one student and not having to input the same information for each sibling. Ex. adding grandparents 3 - simpler options for creating and exporting lists 4 - displaying all information in a list vs. clicking "more information" button 5 - enable searches by city and zip code 6 - enable full list view (rather than 200 items only). I don't see anyway to continue to a 2nd page of information when you hit 200. Thank you!
  • Guest
  • Aug 27 2015
  • Under consideration
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    • Julie Horvath commented
      July 06, 2022 17:48

      We've wanted this for so long! Thank you for taking this into consideration.

      The great thing about the Directory print out is that it maintains the users' privacy settings.

    • Lizzi Canady commented
      November 11, 2021 18:35

      Would love if they added more search options for the directory as well - like the ability to search custom fields

    • Lyne Labrecque commented
      June 29, 2016 15:09

      The simple request to create mailing labels for report card mailings (as in our province we are required by law to mail the June report card), would be simpler if we could pull out married couples vs divorced ones and have only one label come out for married couples. Right now, we have to manually delete the extra row in Excel before doing a mailmerge or we print useless labels....

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