Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OC-I-1076 Audio or video clip as part of the student bio..

Add a name pronunciation recording to contact cards Merged

We have a significant number of international students and in an effort to better serve them, we have them record how to pronounce their names. However, there is currently nowhere on Blackbaud to post this information, so we have a shared drive where these recordings are housed for faculty and staff to access. This is not a great solution as it just takes too much time to access the drive and find the file when needed. It would be great to have this feature integrated into the student profile/contact card, similar to the function on Facebook (see attached screenshot) where it is easily accessible.

Additionally, this could be used for faculty and staff, allowing students and colleagues, to hear how our names are pronounced as well.

  • Stephenie Koerne
  • Sep 9 2021
  • Implemented