Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OR-I-313 Ability to add to the Attended Class - Present Attendance Category.

Allow more than one Reason for "Present" Attendance Type Merged

Under Attendance, we would like to add a second kind of "Attended Class" reason with "Type" = "Present". We want to allow teachers to mark students as "Present (in dresscode)", or "Present (in violation of dresscode)". This will allow a quick way for it to tie into our already existing demerit system. We have considered adding it under an Absent, Tardy, or Virtual type, but we believe it would be too confusing to parents and students to have a physically present student marked "Absent", "Tardy", or "Virtual".

  • Steve Stay
  • Dec 1 2021