Add User ID as a field/column in the Households & addresses list

it would be very useful to have the User ID for individuals in a household available as a column or field in the list. Currently it lists their name and type of constituent, but not their User ID. This would be very helpful for billing and auditing purposes.

  • Lauren Henderson
  • Mar 13 2024
  • Attach files
  • Mathieu Farrugia commented
    March 13, 2024 16:08

    Yes, that would super useful. We're often asked to report on the number of families and not the number of students on a particular topic. Having the student and parents' UserIDs available in the Households list would allow us to do that analysis without having to add all user fields to the Households lists columns selection.

    For example reporting on the number of families who have students in School Program A vs. School Program B. Or the number of families with 3rd and 5th grade students, etc.