Support custom subdomain (CNAME) for myschoolapp

We request the implementation of support for custom subdomains (via CNAME) for myschoolapp, similar to what is available with Blackbaud's School Website System. This feature would allow schools to use their own domain names (e.g., instead of, thereby enhancing branding consistency and minimizing confusion for parents and students. Currently, seeing in the address bar while logged in can cause confusion and detract from the school's brand identity. Supporting custom subdomains will align myschoolapp with industry standards, providing a seamless and branded user experience.

  • Scott Yoshimura
  • Jul 10 2024
  • Attach files
  • Steven Huang commented
    3 Sep, 2024 05:25am

    Just to add, emails should also be sent from school domain (with SPF, DKIM support, so it doesn't get sent to junk)