Improve "Free Teacher" Reports

Please improve the "free teacher - by block" report. All I want is an easy to read report that can be downloaded into excel. As the reports are now, I have to download every block individually and combine them manually so that I can filter by block. It still does not create a quick and easy way to present the data to our admins.

When I run the report for "all blocks" and download to excel, it's a complete mess. Everything is in one column so there is no way to filter by block or teacher. The only way to make any use of it is to spend hours reformatting it. This is too much time wasted on what should be a very simple export.

I think listing each teacher and which blocks they are free would be a nice option, rather than by block and then a long list of teachers. Trying to create this report each year for our admins is a task that takes way too much time.

  • Veronica Zermani
  • Aug 29 2024
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