School Forms Suggestions: Export function

1. When you export data from the School Form, the title of the fields include what type of field they are, for example "User Regarding.First Name" instead of just "First Name", or "Form Field.Achievement/Activity Ten" instead of "Achievement/Activity Ten." I know this labeling will make it hard on administrators, because they the actual important part of the field isn't readily visible in Excel.

2. Also, all the payment fields are visible in Excel, creating lots of unnecessary columns despite the payment fields not appearing on the actual form.

3. Finally, I'd like the ability to export the data in different ways (Word, PDF) using the reports function.

  • Guest
  • Aug 27 2015
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    September 01, 2016 15:15

    What I want is functionality like advanced lists; that is, I would like to control the column header for the export rather than relying on the system to name it.

  • Vincent Jurgens commented
    September 06, 2015 20:06

    1. I can see "UserRegarding" being useful in column title perhaps at end, like "First Name.User Regarding".

    3. I know Form data is saved as xml, not in data model, but I sure hope the software's Reporting function can pull this eventually, and append and collate unto normal core Data. We need backup printouts of key core data, with a Form or two (like Emergency Medical Authorization.) Collating a nightmare otherwise. See K12OR-I-16

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