Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12CO-I-110 Removing the "display name only" privacy radio button in the profile.

privacy settings Merged

In the Directory/Contact Card, I want it so that parents can edit what displays for the child, but the student(child) cannot go into their privacy settings and change the information displaying. Right now both the parent and student can edit their privacy settings to hide certain information. Right now we can do an all or nothing where we turn it on in the All School role, then off again, but that makes it so everyone in the system can/can't edit data. I want this per role in the system. If it was per role, I could remove the privacy setting from just students, but leave it so parents could edit what displays for the student in the Contact Card and Directory.
  • Guest
  • Sep 3 2015