Better guides for Advanced Lists

Troubleshooting advanced lists or building new ones from scratch often takes a TON of trial and error. The data dictionary is 4 years old, and the data diagram is 7 years old! Even if they weren't, there is basically useless because there is no apparent correlation between the display names of the objects in the list builder and the table/column names.


We need actual documentation on how to access specific data.

  • Guest
  • Sep 22 2015
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  • DB Manager Crowe commented
    15 Jul, 2019 08:23pm

    It's been 11 years!  Data Dictionary and Data Diagram must be updated.

  • Gregg commented
    31 May, 2017 08:57pm

    I'll second Brian's comments, an update to the data diagrams is in dire need!

  • Brian Hoyt commented
    9 Nov, 2016 05:30pm

    Data Dictionary - 12/04/2008
    Data Diagram - 12/01/2008

    That is when they were last updated. There are so many new features / fields since then. How can we possibly make advanced lists with such old guides?

    8 years ago?