Export Options for Checklist Data

Right now, when you export checklist data from a list you get text data associated with the item as well as date data if applicable. For instance, a completed item would output as "9/20/2020 Completed" all in the same column/field. It would be helpful to have the text and date information separated into different fields so that the user has more control of the reporting capabilities when using a spreadsheet program to analyze the data.

For my purposes, the date is more critical than the text but, ideally, both would be exportable as separate columns in the Candidates List area so a school could choose one or both for their purposes.

  • Guest
  • Feb 16 2021
  • Attach files
  • Ash Smelkinson commented
    February 17, 2021 13:09

    Agreed- there are a few cases where data is all in the same field, and going into the spreadsheet and separating them leads to a lot of opportunities for error, even using something like "text to columns" in Excel.