Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OB-I-1812 Add the ability to create a form for teachers to complete during admissions..

Shadow Day Visit Internal Feedback Form Merged

We need the ability to send feedback forms to our current faculty and receive the feedback regarding the candidate shadow visit into checklist step. We want to use this feedback during the committee review. Add ability to send feedback form for internal faculty/staff and receive it back into candidate profile. Currently only the parent can send the teacher recommendation externally. We want our admission director to request feedback from the teachers directly and receive it back like teacher recommendation.

  • ami naik
  • Sep 29 2023
  • ami naik commented
    01 Mar 16:05

    Any update to this request? We really want to have the internal ability to request shadow day feeback from our current teahers without having to publish that steps to the candidate parents. This is something we want for our committee to review to show faculty feedback from the candidate visit.