Add more query options to Enroll Group

In onCampus->People->academics->Enroll group it would be great to have more options to query with.  Such as:

Male/Female (ex. a Middle school health class my have just female students enrolled)

"Students NOT in a class" (ex. half the 6th grade takes PE and the other half takes art. After I have enrolled the PE kids into their class I could select the students in the 6th grade and then select "Students not enrolled in" Physical Education.  Then it would show me the leftover students that need to be enrolled in Art.  


I would also like to be able to select multiple students from the Search list to move over to Added Users rather than only having the option to move them in bulk or one at a time.  

  • Vanessa Noe
  • Mar 3 2016
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    • Lori Nolan commented
      October 22, 2019 16:12

      I would love to be able to select multiple students to enroll in a class section all at once  and then have those students "disappear" from the list so I'm left with only the students that need to go into another section instead of having to scroll through all the students again. Being able to select the 20 I need all at one time instead of individually placing them would help too.

    • Guest commented
      June 19, 2018 12:54

      I agree with Amy.  In EE we could move an advisory group to other classes since my lower school classes move by advisory.  Also could move by gender for PE.  

    • Amy Calhoun commented
      July 15, 2016 17:01

      I agree that it would be helpful to have more filter options. For example, the ability to select all students in an advisory and be able to enroll them en mass in another class or advisory or house.