As department chair I would like to access / impersonate members of my department

Though it is not something I particularly enjoy doing, as department chair, I am required to assess whether my teachers are posting assignments per school policy,  using the LMS effectively, grading things in a timely manner, putting enough grades in the book, and many other things. I can, to some degree, chase some of this information by following a student through his or her courses, but it is time consuming and doesn't build an entire picture. Having access to what my teachers are doing in the school's system would make oversight a much more streamlined process, and it would help me encourage them in specific areas. 

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  • Aug 29 2016
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  • Art Bryman commented
    September 20, 2023 18:54

    This is also related to If you don't have "Platform Manager" role, but do have a cloned Platform Manager role (such as Impersonate), you cannot impersonate someone else with a cloned Platform Manager role. Thus, Dean/Chair would need Platform Manager role if any department members have Impersonate role, or any cloned PM roles.

  • Bill Campbell commented
    July 27, 2022 19:11

    This is very related to If it's not already merged when you are reading this, and you like this idea you might want to vote for that idea as it has more votes and other posts merged into it already.

  • Tiffany Klang commented
    September 05, 2019 18:52

    Yes! This would be incredibly helpful, especially if they could have view-only access.

  • Rick Geyer commented
    July 31, 2017 22:01

    Definitely need the ability to allow a user to impersonate a particular user or group of users instead of all users. There should also be an option to make their access read only. It would also be great if this feature was not tied to the platform manager role.

  • Trevor Spicer commented
    April 19, 2017 16:20

    This exact same argument is also valid for teachers impersonating their students as well. I get this request all the time.