Gradebook: Hide Assignment Types not in use

I would like to request that assignment types not chosen in the Grade Book setup are not even displayed to teachers, it would force them to setup the Grade Book When going to add an assignment in the Grade Book when a class is set to marking periods, (GB) does not appear next to the assignments chosen in the Grade Book. Also max points is not there. I would love it if assignment types not chosen in the Grade Book setup are not even displayed to teachers. It would help force us to set up the Grade Book.
  • Guest
  • Aug 26 2015
  • Implemented
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  • Krista Peterson commented
    8 Dec, 2017 08:23pm

    Strongly agree with what Megan says below. We have the same issues.

  • Amy Calhoun commented
    29 Aug, 2017 02:05pm

    Great idea! It definitely causes a problem when a teacher can select an assignment type that is not included in the gradebook categories. 

  • Nancy Kierstead commented
    16 Aug, 2017 01:52am

    Please add this feature.  This would be a huge benefit for our teachers.

  • Megan Day commented
    1 May, 2017 05:06pm

    I thought we would have seen some movement on this idea by this point....

    At the end of every marking period, I have a handful of teachers who used assignment types that were NOT included in their gradebook and therefore not weighted. This means there are assignments that are not weighed properly and it causes all sorts of awkward discussions with parents and students when grades "magically change". While it would be easy to just say, "Be careful" as a teacher myself, I see how easy it would be to screw this up.

    Let's say I use the assignment type "Classwork" which will include quizzes and weigh it at 20%. I then create a quiz assignment and instead of selecting "Classwork" I select "Quiz" because IT IS a quiz. Since I don't have the "Quiz" assignment type setup in my grade book, the quiz isn't weighted correctly. 

  • Ralph Huygens commented
    2 Sep, 2015 11:12pm

    agreed - the gradebook is a weak spot in the system

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